Can a Chiropractor Help Alleviate Those Back-to-School Headaches?

The Joint Chiropractic chiropractic care

Many people think about chiropractic care when they are experiencing neck, back, or hip pain that occurs regularly. But what about headaches? Most of them have never thought about a chiropractor having the ability to relieve the throbbing and pounding of a headache. The school year brings homework, sports and band practices, and a dozen obligations pulling everyone in different directions. All this multi-tasking is sure to cause its fair share of headaches. With back-to-school fast approaching, it is time to look into how a visit to a local provider may help alleviate those headaches that are sure to be heading this way.

Chiropractic Care: Headaches

What Exactly Causes a Headache?

Triggers for headaches can include environmental, food, or behavioral. Environmental triggers are often stress, lights, or noise. Behavioral triggers can include over-exercising, blood sugar imbalances, or insomnia. Only about 5% of headaches are signs of physical problems. The majority of them are what are known as primary headaches. These are cluster headaches, migraines, or tension headaches. Most primary headaches are linked to neck muscle tension. Fortunately, this is where a chiropractor comes in to relieve the pressure that is causing these headaches.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractors are extensively trained to relieve tension in many parts of the body, including the neck, hip, and lower back. When dealing with pain caused by school year stressors, there are several ways they can help to alleviate the back-to-school headaches someone may be experiencing. A chiropractor can:

  • Perform adjustments or spinal manipulations to reduce stress and improve spinal function.
  • Offer advice on making diet changes and taking supplements such as vitamin B complex.
  • Consult on ergonomics, posture, exercises to perform, and relaxation methods to help with recurrent tension and joint irritation in their neck.

Through consultation and treatment, a chiropractor can help alleviate the more common triggers of headaches.

Who to See for Care

Selecting the right provider for chiropractic care is as important a decision as choosing any medical specialist. A person performing manipulations on the spine needs to be a trusted and well-trained professional. Luckily there is a network of providers. They are revolutionizing chiropractic treatment with plans and packages for patients to receive quality care. A patient can even show up with no appointment. So when those back-to-school headaches hit, be ready for them.

The Joint Chiropractic

Are you suffering from headaches? Relief is only one chiropractic treatment away. Schedule a $29 Initial Visit which includes a consultation, exam, and adjustment at either location – (919) 842-3089 Six Forks Location or (984) 232-6237 Falls Pointe in Raleigh

Follow us for healthy living tips and special offers. Six Forks Location or Raleigh Falls Pointe

Sore Shoulders? A Chiropractor can Help

The shoulder joint can be a source of pain, and an accident may limit your daily activities in a significant way. However, many individuals pay little attention to shoulder health until it is not working like it’s supposed to. Taking tops on or off, reaching up overhead to get a glass, sitting at your desk whilst hitting behind you to catch something off a plate, or maybe putting your hands on the back of the passenger seat headrest if you reverse while driving are all examples of proper shoulder selection of motion.

Shoulder Anatomy

There are just two shoulder joints that involve three bones. Numerous muscles play a part in the correct operation of these joints. The two shoulder joints are the glenohumeral joint and the acromion-clavicular joint. The bones will be the scapula, the humerus, as well as the clavicle. The shoulder (as most believe of it) is the glenohumeral joint. There’s a small portion of bone around the scapula that is above the glenohumeral joint and it juts out towards the front of the body; it is known as the acromion process. The acromion process meets the end of the clavicle to make the acromion joint.

Shoulder Issues

There are a range of reasons why folks seek care for shoulder pain and dysfunction. An obvious reason is harm, while it’s because of actions and sports or perhaps a rotator cuff tear. There are two other common issues that can result in shoulder issues that are not as obvious. One is cervical spine (neck) dysfunction and you is poor posture) Cervical spine malfunction or subluxation — joints at the neck that are not moving through their entire range of movement — influence the biomechanics of the shoulder. When coping with an extremity issue, it is always important to examine the health and function of this portion of the spine from which extremity originates. By way of example, knee problems often relate back to a first pelvis imbalance; correct the pelvis imbalance through an adjustment and the related work and then naturally watch the knee issues solve. This is often true with the shoulder as well as the cervical spine.

Poor posture is a common problem these days; folks commonly are walking and walking with shoulders rounded forward and slouched down. This causes excess biomechanical stress. Although it can initially be minimal over time, this can become a protracted trauma — joints eventually become restricted in range of motion, muscles become weak and imbalanced, and extremity function decreases.

Chiropractic Care

If and when you find yourself with diminished range of movement in your shoulder — whether from an accident, knowing your posture isn’t optimal, or even if you’re simply attempting to receive your shoulder joints checked for optimum functioning — chiropractic is a terrific conservative care choice.

Chiropractors adjust spinal joints and control extremity joints. The adjustments and manipulations restore joint range of movement, facilitate appropriate nervous system communication from the brain to every part of the human body, and promote appropriate biomechanical function. Chiropractic adjustment of the cervical spine and also the misuse of the shoulder joints can help restore you to activities of daily living without pain and it’s done without drugs or surgery. Stop into The Joint Chiropractic and allow the physicians help you along with your shoulders. We’ve got the best chiropractic services in the area and the reputation to back it up!

Chiropractic Care Can Help to Improve Quality of Life for Seniors

One of the most significant benefits of chiropractic care is that it is safe and effective for people of all ages. As humans go through different phases of life, common physical difficulties can sometimes be associated with each stage. When we are young and learning how to walk, falls are typical. For kids who sit all day in school looking down at computer screens, they commonly have chronic postural issues. The same goes for the elderly.

Let us look at ways regular chiropractic care may benefit patients as they get older.

Immune System Boost

The brain communicates to every single cell, organ, structure and system in the body and controls exactly what each of these does. These cells, organs, systems and structures to communicate straight back to the mind. The better this communication loop functions, the greater the organs, cells, structures and systems function. This includes the immune system. The spine houses and protects this communication system. When the spinal column joints are limited in range of motion or the backbone isn’t functioning in the manner intended, it interferes with the communication system’s capability to operate optimally. As we get older it is very important to ensure that the immune system is working as well as it possibly can; we get or stay healthy because of just how well — or not well — that immune system functions.

Range of Motion and Flexibility

Since work lifestyle is sedentary for a lot of people, it is common after decades of sitting in an office chair that the body starts to show the effects of inactivity and lack of motion.

Your joints are intended to move. Your system is comprised of approximately 360 joints, which proves it was made to twist, bend, lift, lower, extend, contort… to move! When the joints aren’t moving the way they’re supposed, they become stiff, limited, and shed overall freedom. When this occurs, the muscles that attach to the joints are negatively affected and often eliminate function and flexibility. Chiropractors in Raleigh can restore joint range of motion, which promotes joint function, optimal nervous system communicating, and muscle flexibility.

Balance and Coordination

It’s well-known that falls are common for seniors. It happens. Joints are full of something called proprioceptors. Proprioceptors are sensory receptors which tell the body where it’s in distance and place. For instance, your ability to shut your eyes and stand on one foot without falling over is reliant upon proprioceptors telling your system which foot is in the air and then stabilize the foot on the ground and correct your weight side to side to stay balanced.

When joints are not moving through their full range of movement and working at their best, balance and coordination could be negatively affected and falls can happen. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations promote proper proprioception functioning; it stimulates them. Because of this, chiropractic care can assist in promoting better balance and coordination.

Pain Relief

Chiropractic adjustments stimulate the healing process naturally. One common thing we hear from patients after an adjustment is how they feel pain relief. That goes for almost any age. When function is restored to the joints as well as the brain being able to speak to your body efficiently, your body is finally able to relax because the pain receptors are no longer stimulated.

Most of us know and love some seniors. Age shouldn’t prevent them from getting the natural healthcare that they deserve. Drop in the Joint Chiropractic Raleigh to allow the physicians help the seniors you love experience a greater quality of life.

Chiropractic Care and Your Heart

Currently, cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in the world, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined. That in itself is a very scary statistic, but thankfully there are things we can do to reduce our chances of suffering from cardiovascular disease and the subsequent health complications that follow. Some things can be done to look after your heart and cardiovascular system, but did you know that chiropractic care is one of those things? Numerous studies have found that chiropractic care can provide countless benefits for the heart and cardiovascular system.

Lowers blood pressure – One key reason why experts are so excited about the prospects of chiropractic care and the heart is that it has been found to reduce a person’s blood pressure. The reason for this appears to be linked with a person’s overall levels of anxiety and relaxation. Studies have revealed that, following a chiropractic adjustment, individuals’ overall blood pressure levels, and stress levels were both exponentially lower than before the treatment. This result is very promising because hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the leading causes of heart attacks. It is a precursor to cardiovascular disease, as well as numerous other health ailments. Those with healthy blood pressure levels are subsequently less likely to suffer from heart disease or experience a heart attack.

Reduces heart rate – A healthy heart rate in the average adult can be anything from 60 BPM (beats per minute) to 100 BPM. Those with higher than average heart rates are at a much greater risk of suffering from heart disease, or a heart attack. Studies have revealed that chiropractic adjustments can reduce the heart rates of people with higher than average heart rates. As a result of this, regular chiropractic sessions can, therefore, help to get heart rates down to healthy levels and potentially ward off cardiovascular disease lowering the risk of suffering from a heart attack.

Drug-free – Another key cardiovascular benefit associated with chiropractic care, is that it is drug-free. Most cardiovascular-related illness such as hypertension, high cholesterol, etc., are controlled via prescription drugs, which can often cause pretty severe and dangerous side effects that can contribute towards other health conditions. Chiropractic sessions, however, are drug-free and are therefore considered to be better for your health.

To schedule a chiropractic treatment today, contact The Joint Raleigh today.

Overdo That New Year Resolution to Workout? Chiropractic Clinic in Raleigh NC Can Help

So you started off your New Year with that often repeated resolution to workout more.  You hit the gym and start lifting weights. Everything is feeling great until you feel that nagging twinge.  It may be time to seek chiropractic treatments for relief.

Lifting weights has become a popular exercise regime with many people in recent years and is likely to grow in the future.  Lifting weights help build muscles and keep them firm.  Strong muscles are essential for staying fit.

Some workouts using weights consist of high-impact moves such as jumps (often while lifting a weight) performed for short periods with few breaks in between. If you are not physically prepared for such an intense workout, you may feel the effects in your back and spine.

A surprising number of people focus on the intensity of the workout and forget the most important variable – safety.  Most injuries are preventable just by adhering to the safety-first precautions.  Don’t use weights that are too heavy to handle.  Always use proper form when lifting weights and never ignore pain.

Injuries and disorders of muscles, ligaments, and joints can occur for various reasons like lifestyle, occupational habits, and health.   Regardless the cause, when you experience pain or discomfort in the musculoskeletal system you may want to meet with a certified and experienced chiropractor.

The Joint Chiropractic Clinic – Just Walk-in

Although most people who are experiencing some pain know it is time to see a chiropractor, they still delay treatment due to busy schedules. Most chiropractors require an appointment. As a practical solution for this, The Joint Chiropractic Clinic in Wake Forest NC is a walk-in clinic.

With a well-trained, experienced and highly qualified staff, they can supply comprehensive chiropractic treatments without prior appointments. This is beneficial for today’s individuals who live a fast moving life.

Additionally, these The Joint Raleigh has a network of clinics across the Raleigh NC area, making it convenient for clients to receive the services they need near their home. Every one of these treatment centers is equipped with the same level of professional, qualified, and experienced staff.

Auto Accidents and Your Body

Accidents are one of the most common causes of chronic issues in the body causing pain and immobility in some cases. Auto accidents remain the number one cause when it comes to the most common injuries including the neck, back, and limbs and those who are lucky end up with broken bones and have them restructured while others incur internal injuries that take ages to heal.

The human body gets harder to heal the older one gets meaning that younger people are likely to make quick recoveries after accidents. Whichever way, you will need to enlist the help of a chiropractor to help you relieve the chronic pain alongside alleviating other injuries. A chiropractor will work through manual manipulation of the neuromuscular system to provide relief in the body and also deal with muscular pains, joint pains, arthritic pain, sports injuries and car accident pains in general.

Get immediate help from a chiropractor

The first thing you need to do after an accident is get medical help if the accident is not fatal. A good doctor will ensure that you are well taken care of in the long run right from compensation to getting the best treatment in the process.  The best chiropractors in Raleigh NC also provide follow-up therapy ensuring that your journey to recovery is completed.

Where do I find one?

Getting a chiropractor may not be as hard as you may think since most are listed online. You will, however, need to be careful; who you pick as services will differ from one to another whether you are dealing with whiplash or serious injuries to the body. Referrals will work best at this point if you know anyone that has been in a similar fender bender before. Most local hospitals will also have the contacts of chiropractors in the region if one is recommended to you. You also have to ensure that your practitioner is registered with the association of chiropractors to ensure that you are not working with a ‘quack’. For professional chiropractic care for auto accident injuries get in touch with us here at The Joint Raleigh.

How long would treatment take?

Most injuries will vary meaning that treatment will also vary. Smaller injuries among younger people will take a shorter time to heal as compared to older victims and the same goes for bigger injuries. They will take longer to heal in more advanced adults as compared to younger victims. The sessions will be determined by how fast your body heals at the end of the day.

Importance of Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy and Birth

Pregnancy comes with a barrage of problems such as nausea, vomiting, back pain, swollen legs among other things. The intensity of these problems varies from one pregnancy to another. Chiropractic care can help to relieve these symptoms and make pregnancy a much more enjoyable experience. Even if you are not in discomfort, visiting a chiro during pregnancy is advisable maintain proper spine and pelvis alignment.

Regular chiropractic care is important for a comfortable pregnancy and delivery. The nervous system controls the entire body and it adapts to the changes of pregnancy to preserve health and well-being. The problem results when the vertebral subluxation that occurs during pregnancy interferes with the nervous system’s communication with the body. This causes the following problems that are manageable with chiropractic care:

Body imbalance

A subluxation in the atlas can cause a chain reaction down your spine; it can cause your head to tilt to one side, bending in of the lower cervical spine in the opposite side of the head tilt and bending of the thoracic spine in the opposite side. This will cause the lumbar spine to bend in drawing up the pelvis to one side and making one leg appear shorter, hence the limping or awkward gait during pregnancy.  You will experience an uneven distribution of weight on the knee and ankle joints making it painful to walk. The poor alignment of the pelvis can lead to problematic childbirth. Chiropractic care ensures proper alignment of the spine to avoid all these problems.

Nerve pressure and tension

With this chain reaction of problems along the spine, the spine may become very tight and inflamed in the places of misalignment. The nerves from your spine lead to organs and muscles in the body and stress in the nerves can lead to degeneration of these body organs and muscles, which is dangerous for your pregnancy.

Brain stem tension

Subluxation in the atlas causes a narrowing of the spinal canal and an increase of pressure within it. The brain stem located just over the atlas is bound to suffer from this stress. A decrease in brain stem function due to this pressure can be quite dangerous to your health since it controls various brain processes.

Chiropractic care will ensure proper spine health to avoid these serious health complications. Without any pressure on the nerves, your body systems will also be able to function efficiently for your pregnancy. Learn more about other chiropractic treatments through our blog posts!

Yoga for Computer Users: Other Postures

The Diamond Posture (Vajrasana)
Kneel on a thick carpet or blanket with your knees close together. Sit back on your heels and stretch up from your hips, balancing your head well so that a line drawn through ear, shoulder, elbow and hip would be straight. You should sit up in this posture for greatest benefits.

The Locust (Salabhasana)
Most yoga students are familiar with this posture. Lie flat, face down, chin on floor. Make your hands into fists and push them either under your thighs to help the lift, or place them alongside your body. Exhale and lift legs from your hips, tightening your buttocks and stretching your legs up and back. Hold position for as long as possible, exhale, return to starting posture and repeat.

The Dog Stretch (Adho mukha svanasana)
Lie face down, legs stretched back, buttocks tightened and knees pulled back. Place hands just below shoulders, exhale and lift head, then chest, shoulders and torso, pushing down from your pelvis and straightening your arms. From the back of your head to your tailbone, your body should be curved back. Push shoulders back and down. Push head back more. Stay like this as long as possible with normal breathing. Come down very slowly, and relax.

The Twist (Bhardwajasana)
Kneel on the floor and sit back, bringing both feet to the right of your hips. Straighten your right arm, bring it across your body and turn to the left. Place your hand, palm down under your left knee. Exhale, turn your body more to the left and clasp your right elbow with your left hand, from the back. Turn your head and gaze over your right shoulder. Fold position for a few breaths and then twist and look back over your left shoulder. Shoulders should be at right angles to the body. Come back to starting position and repeat on other side. You should do this posture once every hour if you have lower back pain.

Upper Back Pain: Identification And Some Useful Solutions

Upper Back Pain is as painful or troublesome as the pain in the lower back or the neck. An injury or a strain is the most common reason for the pain in the upper portion of our backs. Although back pain in upper portion is not a common phenomenon, it can cause significant discomfort and needs to be treated carefully. The identification of the exact cause is necessary to treat the pain in the upper back.

Muscular irritation and joint malfunction have been found to be the most common causes of upper back pain. An injury or a poor posture can also result in back pain. In recent years, it has been found that people sitting in one posture for example working in front of the computer are more prone to suffer from this type of back pain.

Lack of activity or poor strength of our muscles is a very common cause of upper back pain and can be treated through chiropractic cure, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy and various types of stretching exercises. Again an injury or strain in the joints between the ribs and the upper back can result in severe pain. Such a situation can be rectified by exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and loosening the back. A ruptured disk or a degenerative disk disease can also result in back pain in upper part.

An appropriate posture and regular strengthening exercises are a must for avoiding the pain in the upper back. A poor posture can lead to weak muscles and a strain in our joints and ligaments and thus cause upper back pain. Osteoporosis, a disease which makes ones bones fragile and weak, a rupture in the spinal disk or any other form of injury can also result in back pain. People suffering from heart disease can also experience pain in the upper back. Such people need to consult a specialist so as to avoid any complexities.

It is important to get proper medical treatment if the cause of your upper back pain is Osteoporosis, a ruptured disk or any other injury. However, if the pain is caused by a poor posture or a strain, we can take some self remedial action such as massaging the area of pain. Pain in the Trapezius or the triangle shaped muscles of the upper back and the shoulder blades can be rectified through self massage or massage by somebody else. Also try to concentrate on improving your posture and sit straight instead of slouching.

A poor posture eliminates the natural, weight-supporting S curve in our backs and weakens them. In contrast a right posture– chest out, stomach in, and buttocks tucked under- helps one to restore the S curve in our back. Proper exercises can enable one to rectify his/her posture. Along with chiropractic care Raleigh, proper massage by a physical therapist, use of acupuncture techniques and physical therapy also go a long way in relieving upper back pain.

Lose Your Belly by Improving Your Posture

Everyone knows the children’s song about the leg bone being connected to the hip bone, but how many people really take it to heart? Obviously, everyone knows that the leg bone does in fact attach to the hip bone; that’s not the point. Probably not many people really stop to think about how related and interconnected the parts of the human body really are. In an illustration of this point, the back and stomach muscles are all affected by one another as they form a girdle around the lower torso. It stands to reason, then, that your posture affects how your tummy looks, and the strength of your stomach muscles affects your posture.

Stand Up Straight
This first step to losing a belly is to stand and sit up straight. This actually has a few different effects. First of all, slouching accentuates belly fat, so simply sitting up will make you appear slimmer. Second, proper posture help improves the strength of your back, which of course makes it easier to maintain proper posture longer. Third, poor posture leads to back pain, which makes stomach exercises difficult. Having good posture will make it easier for you to work out your stomach muscles and whittle down that belly. Lastly, a nice straight posture enhances blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the legs and lower back, both of which are involved in many stomach exercises. So, if you are trying to lose a belly, the first step is to simply sit and stand up as straight as possible as often as possible. Do that, and you are already on your way!

Back Extension
For the reader familiar with the crunchless crunch, this move will seem similar but backwards. For this exercise, you will need to start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. You may use a mat or towel to cushion your pelvis and head. Position your arms by your sides, palms up. Contract your back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Hold the contraction briefly, then release and slowly lower your torso back down to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

The next part of this exercise begins by extended your arms out above your head (picture a superhero flying through the air). Now lift your legs off the floor simultaneously while keeping your head and arms held in place. Try to imagine your legs growing longer as you are lifting them up. Hold your legs up briefly, then slowly lower them back to the floor.

Doing these two things will help you strengthen your back and correct your posture, which are great first steps to losing an unwanted belly. You will also want to continue working on your back muscles and other core muscles, such as the transverse and rectus abdominus. Stomach exercises that work the core will help you straighten up your posture, lose belly fat, and gain muscle tone in both your back and tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.