Can a Chiropractor Help Alleviate Those Back-to-School Headaches?

The Joint Chiropractic chiropractic care

Many people think about chiropractic care when they are experiencing neck, back, or hip pain that occurs regularly. But what about headaches? Most of them have never thought about a chiropractor having the ability to relieve the throbbing and pounding of a headache. The school year brings homework, sports and band practices, and a dozen obligations pulling everyone in different directions. All this multi-tasking is sure to cause its fair share of headaches. With back-to-school fast approaching, it is time to look into how a visit to a local provider may help alleviate those headaches that are sure to be heading this way.

Chiropractic Care: Headaches

What Exactly Causes a Headache?

Triggers for headaches can include environmental, food, or behavioral. Environmental triggers are often stress, lights, or noise. Behavioral triggers can include over-exercising, blood sugar imbalances, or insomnia. Only about 5% of headaches are signs of physical problems. The majority of them are what are known as primary headaches. These are cluster headaches, migraines, or tension headaches. Most primary headaches are linked to neck muscle tension. Fortunately, this is where a chiropractor comes in to relieve the pressure that is causing these headaches.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractors are extensively trained to relieve tension in many parts of the body, including the neck, hip, and lower back. When dealing with pain caused by school year stressors, there are several ways they can help to alleviate the back-to-school headaches someone may be experiencing. A chiropractor can:

  • Perform adjustments or spinal manipulations to reduce stress and improve spinal function.
  • Offer advice on making diet changes and taking supplements such as vitamin B complex.
  • Consult on ergonomics, posture, exercises to perform, and relaxation methods to help with recurrent tension and joint irritation in their neck.

Through consultation and treatment, a chiropractor can help alleviate the more common triggers of headaches.

Who to See for Care

Selecting the right provider for chiropractic care is as important a decision as choosing any medical specialist. A person performing manipulations on the spine needs to be a trusted and well-trained professional. Luckily there is a network of providers. They are revolutionizing chiropractic treatment with plans and packages for patients to receive quality care. A patient can even show up with no appointment. So when those back-to-school headaches hit, be ready for them.

The Joint Chiropractic

Are you suffering from headaches? Relief is only one chiropractic treatment away. Schedule a $29 Initial Visit which includes a consultation, exam, and adjustment at either location – (919) 842-3089 Six Forks Location or (984) 232-6237 Falls Pointe in Raleigh

Follow us for healthy living tips and special offers. Six Forks Location or Raleigh Falls Pointe

Published by The Joint NC

Our goal is to work with your body, isolate the source of the neck pain, back pain, etc, and through the use of bio-mechanics assist your body in doing what it does best and naturally, heal. To us you are more than a patient you are a member of our family.

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